Now I'm a mom. and I have come to the solemn realization that the mother's curse is real. My daughter is exactly like me. Oh no. She is exactly. Like. Me.
To understand where my terror comes from, you have to understand that I was a stinker as a child. I must have secretly liked getting in trouble or something, because I did everything I could to push the limits. My mom would say "Don't touch that, I don't want you to break it." Naturally, I assumed that she meant "See how much touching you can do before I spank you."
Just 30 seconds ago, Portia smacked me in the head with a drumstick. I said "No, No! That hurts mommy!" She grinned, then started slowly poking me with the drumstick in the cheek. When I didn't respond, she poked a little harder. She then went right back to smacking. I took the drumstick away. She ran and pulled a wooden spoon out of the dishwasher and tried to smack me again. See what I mean? Mother's curse.