Tuesday, March 22, 2011

come on summer!

I got Portia this bathing suit. It's to die for.

She loves it! Now all we need is some warmer weather!

12 weeks

I am now done with the first trimester, which means morning sickness is finally waning! I can eat real food again!
Here is my belly.

(see the shower? its new.)

in fact...

the maintenance guy is here RIGHT NOW!!!
it's a good thing I finished that last post, or he would have seen it, and then we would have had a major fight.

shower woes

Remember the shower incident? Pretty gross huh?
Well, here's an update. Shortly after I wrote that post, the maintenance guys from our apartment complex came and re-tiled that spot on the shower. Problem fixed, right?
Negative, ghost writer.
A few weeks later, I noticed that the spot that they had re-tiled was not doing so well. The new grout was literally peeling off the wall. Then I realized that it wasn't grout at all! It was caulking material (you know, the white stuff they use to seal off little cracks). It doesn't work very well as grout. Soon after I came to this realization, some more tile fell out of the shower.
So, they came and re-fixed it. The same way. And a few weeks later, guess what happened. Yeah. Tiles on floor.
This happened 6 times. SIX.
Finally, instead of calling the maintenance guys, I called the apartment manager, and this time, they are doing it right.
They had to tear all the tile in the shower out, and the dry wall and even the 2x4's behind it all, let that all dry out, then completely re-tile the whole shower. With REAL grout! Its almost finished!