Today has been hard. Portia is still sick, and we spent almost 2 hours in the doctor's office this morning. Those of you with small kids know how un-fun that is. Brandon and I have not been sleeping well, since Portia has been waking up several times a night. Add that to Margot's several times a night, and you get reeeeaaaalllly tired parents.
I was really hoping for a nap this afternoon while these babies were sleeping, but it didn't happen. I was pretty sad. It seems that not much is going right for us, so I decided to write this post about what is.
Things I'm Lovin Today:
2. The fact that Portia only has the flu and not strep throat. I have heard strep is going around, and was worried. But the doc said she is on the tail end of the flu and it should work it's way out of her system in a day or two.
3. The fact that Margot has not caught the flu from her sister. It's really a miracle. None of us got flu shots this years, and I was sure that with the close proximity of these girls, Margot would get sick too. But she hasn't! I think Heavenly Father knew I couldn't handle both of them being sick right now. Either that or she has super powers (forcefield, anyone?)
4. The fact that I get to hang out with my family in Tulsa all next week! Wooo!
5. J. K. Rowling just announced that she is writing another book. You have no idea how happy this makes me. I'll give you a hint: super super happy.
6. America's Next Top Model starts on Wednesday. Bring on the crying!

I feel better already.