Monday, September 21, 2009

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem

The last week has been a rough one for us. For some reason, Portia has stopped sleeping like she normally does. She has been waking up more than usual at night, and she is suddenly unable to take naps. Brandon and I have been trying to tag-team it at night, so that we can get some sleep, but wrestling was never one of either of our strong points. We are both still exhausted. Plus, she has been really fussy, which isn't normal. Portia is never fussy (as long as she's been fed), she is generally a really jolly little tub of chubs. I was starting to get worried a few days ago, when the previous night I was up until 3:30 am, and Brandon until 5:30, trying to get Portia to sleep. I started trying to think of things that could be causing this strange behavior. I considered baby insomnia (pretty sure that's not real), and Oh no! Horrified gasp! This can't be the early signs of swine flu, can it?!? Hurry, grab the baby thermometer and check for a curly pink tail! I was stumped. What is making my baby so irritable? And while we're at it, what is making her drool like Niagra Falls, and stuff everything she can get her chubbly little fists on into her mouth? She's biting more than Sunny Baudelaire!
Wait a minute. Drooling, chewing, not sleeping, and fussing. 1+1+1+1=TEETHING!
She hasn't broken the gums just yet, but I'm sure that we will have some pearly whites soon!


  1. Don't be too disappointed if those pearly whites don't show up for a couple of months still. Seriously! I hate teething, we had the same sort of issues with Kathryn (very happy baby suddenly was cranky and not sleeping well). She got 6 teeth over the summer and it was miserable. Good luck!

  2. I'm sorry you're all not sleeping well. I'm excited to find your blog though!
