Tuesday, April 13, 2010

closely related to a weasel and a skunk: the badger.

I read Harry Potter (mock me if you must). I am impressed by the J.K. Rowling's literary genius; her ability to tie in tiny details to the main plot 3000 pages later is astounding! aaaand I really like magic.
In case you haven't read the books, there is a magical school called Hogwarts, and it is divided into 4 houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. I'll give you a brief run-down on each one.
Gryffindor (Lion): The students in Gryffindor are courageous, chivalrous, daring, and loyal. Just imagine King Arthur as a wizard, he's probably be in Gryffindor.

Slytherin (Snake): Slytherin's students are cunning, ambitious, clever, resourceful, and determined. And yes, sometimes evil.

Ravenclaw (Raven): Ravenclaw=smart. They are very intelligent, witty, academically motivated and talented. Like the kid in high school who took all AP classes and asked for extra homework.

Hufflepuff (Badger): Let's just see what the sorting hat has to say, "Dear Hufflepuff, she took the rest and taught them all she knew." So basically, Hufflepuff takes the kids who aren't brave, aren't cunning, and aren't smart. And badgers? Really? That really strikes fear into the hearts of their opponents. Which actually, they probably don't have any opponents, because they're pretty boring.

Carrie and I have discussed this more than once. I would love to be in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw would be ok, and I could even live with Slytherin. But if that hat said, "HUFFLEPUFF!" I would get back on the train and go home. I'd rather be a muggle.


  1. i love you. and no one will ever mock you for reading Harry Potter. if they did, i would punch them.

  2. Dude, badgers are MEAN. I'd be scared to meet one in person...

  3. hmmmm. mean and boring make for a lethal combination. better steer clear folks!

  4. well, I guess I mean that there's one plug for hufflepuff: they look boring but you don't want to mess with 'em, haha
