1. I hate being cold. I hate snow, ice, cold hands, etc.
2. I cant comprehend math. I still dont know my multiplication tables.
3. My favorite pickles in the world are Vlassic Zesty Dill Spears. They are to die for. If you hate pickles, you will most likely hate them.
4. When I was in in kindergarten, I thought my name was "Kaffleen" because that's how all my peers pronounced it. I think Daisy and Jeannine corrected me after a long debate.
5. I hate being pregnant. I would rather do labor and delivery every day for 9 months than be pregnant for 9 months.
6. My daughters are the prettiest little girls ever.
7. My family is full of sets of multiples. My dad is a twin, my sister has twins, and going back through the generations, there are a lot of multiple births.
8. My sisters and I are somewhat odd, we associate colors/personalities to certain letters or numbers. For example, in my brain, the numbers 1-10 all have a personality. 6 is compassionate, but 5 is ornery. I always thought everyone did this, but apparently not.
9. I love naps.
10. I hate wearing shoes, if I could go barefoot everywhere, I would.
11. One of the happiest days of my life has been when I married my best friend for all eternity! I am a very lucky girl! I couldn't ask for a better husband than Brandon.
12. I would live on the beach. I love the ocean!
13. My biggest guilty pleasure is watching america's next top model.
14. I love Audery Hepburn, I think she is a spectacular actress, and a wonderful lady. Plus, she was stunning. I think she looks like my sister Daisy.
15. When my Carrie-sister and I worked at Sonic together, we would tease each other all the time, and everyone we worked with thought we were serious. We basically had to sit them all down and convince them that we only tease each other in fun, and we really do like each other a lot.
16. I can't tell you how many times I have been stung by jellyfish. We went to Pensacola one year for a family vacation, in the middle of jellyfish season. Ouch.
17. I have had stitches 7 times, not including the 4 plus sets in my mouth.
18. I would love to go skydiving or bungee jumping or something like that. I would be so scared that I would probably cry, but it would be so awesome.
19. I love sushi, I could probabby eat it every day.
20. I hope our kids are like Brandon and never have to go through an awkward stage, mine was horrendous. Buck teeth, bad haircut, big coke-bottle glasses, hand-me-down clothes from my sisters (which were actually hand-me-downs from someone else). Middle school was hard.
21. When I would go trucking with my dad in the summers, I used to ask him to tell me how things worked, like a toilet or a carberator, so that I could fall asleep. I never could understand what he was talking about, but it put me right to sleep!
22. I love being LDS. I don't know where I would be without the Gospel of Christ.
23. I am seriously arachnaphobic. I am always embarrassed when I see a spider in front of people I don't know very well, because my reaction probably makes me look like a lunatic.
24. I love the city New Orleans. I haven't been since Katrina, but I hope it hasn't changed too much, just maybe all that water made it a little bit cleaner?
25. One of my legs is longer than the other.