Thursday, May 3, 2012


I love peanut butter.
I love peanut butter ice cream, peanut butter candy, peanut butter toast, peanut butter cookies, peanut butter sandwiches, heck, I even like peanut butter by itself on a spoon.
I love peanut butter and honey sandwiches, and of course, pb&j, but my all-time favorite peanut butter sandwich is peanut butter and marshmallow cream. It's delicious!
I remember the first time I ever had a peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwich; I must have been 7 or 8, and I was at my Grandma's house in Indiana. My cousin Nathan was there too (where our hoards of siblings were, I have no clue, but it was just us), and Grandma made us lunch. You guessed it, pb&mc. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. It was creamy and almost too sweet, got all over my face, and made me so happy!
I still make myself a pb&mc sandwich every once in a while, and I am happily reminded of afternoons playing in my Grandma's den, watching Ernest Holidays, and my extended family who I miss so much!

Ernest P. Worrell

My Grandma's den
aaaaand Nathan.

 Grandma's deck, me and some cousins as wee ones.

This was taken at a family reunion a few years ago, all the cousins that were there. Yes, my family is cooler than yours.

1 comment:

  1. In our family PB&MC is called Nutter-fluffers. They are yummy!! The Barnett women are addicted to PB. My personal favorite is PB on my waffle w/maple syrup!
