Saturday, July 28, 2012

i killed a bug. and it was hard.

Guys, I killed a spider today. Those of you who know me, realize how big of a deal that is.
I have arachnophobia. Seriously. Upon confronting a spider, I have been known to cry, throw up, get dizzy, and start shaking. In school, when we would be reading our science books and a picture of a spider would come up, I would fold the page over so that the picture was covered. Once, in high school, I encountered a rather large spider in the girl's track locker room bathroom, and I couldn't go in there again for months. 
So the fact that I killed a spider today is huge.

Brandon, if you're reading this, I need you to come home, because I can't touch it to throw it away.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!! I don't like picking those things up either - that's why I use a vacuum as my spider killer! Just a thought...
