Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cujo lives upstairs

Ah, the joys of apartment life. Our bedroom wall is adjacent with the staircase of the apartment directly above us. I think our upstairs neighbors are a couple of guys, I've never actually seen them. They are quiet enough, except for the occasional late-night run up and down the stairs, which we can hear quite well. But I do know that, whoever they are, they have dogs. Ugh, dogs.
Don't get me wrong, I actually love dogs. Someday, when we have a yard, we might have one. But I hate these dogs. It seems that every single time I get Portia to sleep and lay down for a nap myself, they start barking and whining. They too run up and down the stairs, and have woken me and Portia up several times. Today was especially bad. They would run form one end of the apartment to the other, down the stairs and back up again, over and over, all the while barking as much as possible. I could hear them through the walls and ceiling, and coming through the baby moniter from the other end of the house. And this is all while their owners are home (I heard them tromp up the stairs as well). I never could sleep, and I'm surprised my baby didn't wake up more than she did.
I want to knock on their door and be the annoying neighbor who tells them to keep it down. I mean, my newborn is quieter than their dogs! Of all the people in this apartment complex to have the noisy dog neighbors, it had to be the sleep-deprived brand new parents? Really?

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