Those of you who see me often probably notice that my hair changes alot. I usually get bored with it about once a month, and have to do something different. That is why my hair has been colored 5-7 times and cut 2-4 times since Portia was born. I realized that I have been trying to find the happy medium between edgy and hip, and being a mom. My problem is that I want to look like what I am: a hair stylist. I adore crazy colors, dramatic cuts, and obnoxious styles. I am never satisfied with my hair when it is symmetrical, or all one color. In college, I once came across a picture of Joss Stone (above), and I loved her hair. I admire her courage and style, and her ability to pull something like that off. I desperately want my head to look like that. But do I dare put hot pink, purple, and red streaks throughout my entire head? No, because I have a strange fear of Portia, when 15, looking at pictures of her mother and thinking, "What an idiot." So, for now, I'll have to be content with being a brunette. Hmmm, maybe with slight hues of violet and red.
ah yes, the desire that lurks in all O'Dell girls to be more than we are. To grab attention and yet be subtle. To be elegant and edgy. Can it be done? I keep trying!