Wednesday, July 7, 2010

for a duck may be somebody's mother

I love fireworks. And I love it when the fireworks are synced with music. For as long as I can remember, my sister Carrie and I have sung along with the song "Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillips Sousa on the 4th of July. Except we have always sung it a little different.
Until this year, we have always thought that this version of the song was well-known. But apparently, we were wrong.
Carrie asked her friends at BYU, and I asked Brandon, and no one had ever heard of it. But I knew we didn't make it up. We aren't THAT weird...
Sooooooo I googled it!
This song was originally recorded in the 1950s by a group called Homer and Jethro. Since then, it has appeared on many shows/movies, including Sesame Street and Tiny Toons, both of which are shows that Carrie and I watched.
See? We aren't nuts.


  1. don't worry! I know that version of the song, too :)

  2. I know it too! Be kind to your web-footed friends.
