Wednesday, June 30, 2010

slap some glitter on me and call me a vampire!

Maybe it's my appreciation for young-adult fiction, or my love for the macabre, or maybe I can just relate because of my pasty whiteness, but I love the Twilight series.
Well, I love the books. The movies are fun because I love the books.
Here's my problem with the movies: Kristin Stewart and Rob Pattinson. Kristin looks like she's constipated and Rob looks like he's about to cry. All the time.
Plus, as much as I love the ever-so-cheesy, tortured-lovers-destined-to-be-together storyline, it's kinda laughable on film. Like the awkward moaning/kissing scene in New Moon. Oh jeez.
But, even though I have my qualms, this Saturday night you will find me in line at midnight to see Eclipse. And I will probably giggle, and maybe even sigh, more than once.


  1. hahaha! kristen looks like she's constipated!!! eclipse is a bit better. the acting is better. and it's awesome!

  2. Yep, I will probably jump on the bandwagon too. I completely agree, the books don't translate so well to the screen, it really is laughable. Just curious as to why you are waiting till midnight on Saturday?

  3. i was waiting to go see it with my sister
