Wednesday, September 15, 2010

a day in the life

This morning, Portia let me sleep in. She played in her crib by herself for a while, letting me snooze in bed for a few extra minutes.

She ran errands with me most of the morning with minimal complaints.

She didn't take a nap.

We played "blanket fort" for a while and watched Thomas together.

Right before I had to leave for work, she threw up pepperoni down my arm.

When I got home from work, she insisted upon wearing a pair of shorts on her head for 20 minutes.

She helped me fold laundry (aka she unfolded as I folded.)

She found one of my color brushes and as she pretended to paint my hair with it, she sang a little song.

She fell asleep snugging her mama and snoring.

Pretty much my perfect day!

1 comment:

  1. "she insisted upon wearing a pair of shorts on her head for 20 minutes."
    I laughed out loud. she's a silly little lovely.
