Wednesday, October 13, 2010

shakin it up

Today I was in an earthquake.
I was laying in bed, waking up, listening to Portia play in her room. Suddenly, the bed was shaking. The room was shaking. The whole apartment was shaking. And there was a weird groaning noise. My first thought was that something (or someone) had fallen down the stairs. I popped out of bed like it was on fire. And then it was over.
Portia was reading a book in her room, totally unphased.
It was a 4.3 on the Richter scale, but we had zero damage. Our pictures didn't even fall off the wall. Just a few miles away though, OU campus had some damage. A building on campus had to be evacuated because it cracked up the side!
Who knew we had earthquakes in OK?

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