Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 7

Oh yeah. I broke out the crimper.
When I decided to do this challenge, this is one of the first styles that popped into my head. You know I love the 80s.

I reached into the deep dark recesses of my hair cabinet, and pulled out my crimper. If you don't know what a crimper is, google it. Sometimes they are called "mini wavers" these days. Apparently, the word "crimper" has bad connotations, bringing back bad memories of acid wash, gag me with a spoon, and this scene:

It took forever, because my crimper is ancient and took 30 minutes to heat up.
I can't wait for Brandon to come home, because nothing strums a man's heartstrings more than a fully crimped head.

On another note, Margot is cute:

1 comment:

  1. i don't really give a________about tryin' top that!

    best. movie. ever.
