Wednesday, February 6, 2013

You Know You're a Parent When

1. You feel really accomplished when you've not only showered today, but used shampoo and conditioner as well.

2. Going to the grocery store by yourself is relaxing.

3. You realize that you forgot to pee today.

4. You think 5 hours straight of sleep is a great night.

5. You find yourself singing along and head-bopping to The Backyardigans.

6. You have reached out to catch puke in your hand without a second thought.

7, You wake up to someone's feet on your face and you don't even bother to move them.

8. You've gone out by yourself and realized 30 minutes later that you have a binky attached to your shirt.

9. You congratulate people for using the restroom by themselves.

10. You buy enough milk weekly to sponsor an entire dairy farm.

11. You wash the same load of laundry at least twice before you remember to switch it.

12. You carry diapers, wipes, spare sets of clothing, toys, snacks, and binkies with you at all times.

13. You go to put on your shoes to only to find a small collection of acorns inside.

14. You find yourself rocking inanimate objects.

15. Your kids make you nuts, but you wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. The backyardigans got some serious tunes. And dancing. They dance WAY better than me...
