Tuesday, July 5, 2011

its highly likely i'm a huge dork

We spent the 4th in Broken Arrow and Claremore with our families, it was great! We had cookouts and went swimming, saw fireworks and UFOs, it was a blast!
Wait, what? UFOs?!?
Saturday night, Brandon, Brian and I were driving into Claremore, when we saw something weird. Up in the sky, there were about 10 floating orange lights. At first we thought they mist be fireworks, but fireworks explode and these didn't. So we pulled over and watched them for a while, and they started to fly away, some going faster than others, and some just disappeared completely.
We were a little weirded out, at least I was. Let me clarify one thing: at no point did we think they were aliens. We weren't afraid of getting abducted or anything like that. We just couldn't figure out what they could be. Maybe weather balloons? Some kind of aircraft? We didn't know.
The next day, we were visiting with Brandon's cousin, Ben and his wife Cali, and we started to tell our story. They immediately knew what we were talking about. Had they seen them too? Maybe the floating whatsits had been seen by a lot of people! Is there some facebook group I should join?
Then Ben and Cali told us about some lanterns that they had seen as part of a fireworks display. They were amber-colored, and floated into the sky. Yeah. Lanterns.

I'm a little embarrassed.

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