Sunday, October 9, 2011

our little orator

Portia is funny. Today was testimony meeting at church, and she put on a show.
She had been bugging Brandon to take her to change her diaper, which in reality means that she wanted him to take her out in the hall to run around the church; her diaper was fine. So when he stood up to go bear his testimony, I think she thought he was going to go out in the hall. Naturally, she started yelling for him to take her with him. He did.
At first, Portia just sat in Daddy's arms, watching. But about halfway through his testimony, she got a sneaky little smirk on her face, leaned forward, grabbed the microphone and started talking. She didn't say anything in particular, just babbled.
Brandon pulled her away, and she might have been done after that, but everyone laughed. She realized that she was being cute and funny. So she did it again. And again.
Finally, Brandon turned to her and asked if she had something to say. He then whispered to her to say "Thank you for Jesus," and clear as an adorable little bell, she leaned forward again and said "keenku Jesus!"
It was pretty cute.


  1. It was pretty darn cute :) I didn't even know you guys were sitting behind us until that happened and felt bad that I didn't say hi.
