Monday, October 22, 2012


Tonight was Family Home Evening night for us here in the Rawlinson house, and what a night it was!

If you don't know what Family Home Evening is, here's a link:

Since Halloween is fast approaching, we had a Jack-O-Lantern themed FHE! I got the idea from a blog I came across, and adapted it to fit our family. The idea was to use a jack-o-lantern as an object lesson to teach Matt 5:16 (let your light so shine).

I told Portia that we were going to learn about our spirits and letting our lights shine to others, and then we sang a song and said a prayer. I then asked Portia if she remembered what we were going to learn about. She thought for a moment and said "ummm, Harry Potter?" Yes, I probably could teach a lesson about Harry Potter. Heck, I could teach a whole college course about Harry, but that's not the point.

We got back on track, and I turned all the lights in the house off and pulled the curtains shut. It was pretty dark. I then lit a small candle.
We talked about how it's kinda scary when it's dark, but when we turn a light on, even a small one, it makes a big difference.
I started to tell Portia that we have a spirit inside of us. I said "Portia, you have a spirit inside of you." She looked at me kinda weirdly and pointed to her bum and said "In here?"

We got back on track again.

I told Portia that we all have a spirit inside of us that makes us love and learn, and that spirit can be a light to others, when we are good. We then talked about ways we can each be good. Portia decided she can be good by being reverent at church and by sharing her toys with Margot. Margot tried to grab the candle's flame and when I pulled it away, she yelled at me. She's working on it.

Then we moved our little party outside and carved a pumpkin!

He's pretty cute.

And we ate roasted pumpkin seeds.


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