You may remember that I started a blogging challenge several months ago. I could never keep up with posting every day, so I decided to call it quits. But I still pull out one of the prompts every once in a while, just to keep it fresh.
Day 24: Your top 3 worst traits
I am obstinate. Stubborn, bullheaded, you name it! I have been his way all my life. I remember being younger, and my mom would tell me that I was being obstinate, and I would deny it simply because my mom had said it, not realizing that that was obstinance itself.
I have problems with authority/doing what people say. This is kind of the same as being obstinate I guess, but I'm listing it anyway. I have a hard time with authority figures sometimes. It's not necessarily that I disagree with them, or even that I have a problem with what they are telling me to do. It's the fact that someone told me to do something that bugs me. It even transfers to non-authoritative individuals, like when I was in high school, and Carrie would tell me to read a book, I never would; she had told me to. I have gotten better through the years. Now when Carrie refers a book, I usually read it.
I am sometimes belligerent. It takes me a lot to get really mad, but I am not afraid of confrontation. Sometimes it works out, like when I was in college and the internet got mistakenly shut off for 9 days in our building. After being told over and over that it was just too hard to get someone out to fix it, I snapped. I called and ripped them a new one, and the internet was fixed within the hour. Booyah!
But most of the time, my belligerence is aimed at people who don't deserve it, like when I turn a harmless comment from Brandon into an argument.
So there you have it! It was actually kind of fun to sit down and think about my faults, cause then I had to think about all my good traits too, and there's a lot.