Today's Write Yourself Happy prompt is:
What are ten things you love about your family?
1. I married my best friend. I love Brandon more and more each day.
What a hunk!
2. I have beautiful babies.
Seriously. Beautiful babies.
3. We have fun together.
Whenever the four of us hang out, just us, we always have a blast!
4. We can be silly together.
We have no problems letting loose and laughing our butts off.
5. My girls are best friends.
I love that they are buddies!
6. Brandon is an excellent dad.
He loves spending time with our daughters, and adores them.
7. My girls love spending time with me.
I love that they request snuggles and kisses from me all day long!
8. Brandon is a hard worker.
He works so hard every day to provide for us, and I love him all the more for it.
9. I get to watch my girls discover the world.
This last week, they discovered dandelions.
10. I get to spend eternity with my three favorite people.