Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Paper Dolls

While browsing Pinterest this morning, I came across some gorgeous Disney paper dolls from artist, Cory Jensen. He is amazing! First of all, he has every Disney princess, plus the princes, villains, side characters, and even celebrities like Beyonce and Marilyn Monroe. And, they are all free to download!

Check out his Facebook page here:

I decided to make paper doll quiet books for the girls for church. So I printed out the princesses and dresses that the girls picked on heavy cardstock. We got Anna and Elsa from Frozen, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, and Jasmine from Aladdin. I printed mine at UPS, but if your printer can handle it, it's much cheaper to do at home!

Gorgeous, right?

I cut everything out,

and laminated the dolls to the inside of file folders. 

I just used some laminating strips bought at any craft store.

Next, I laminated all the dresses and re-cut them out. Then, I put velcro strips on both the princesses and the dresses.

 And voila! 

The girls haven't stopped playing with them!

Mommy win!

1 comment:

  1. I have a great collection of paper dolls in the attic...now I really want to dig it out and go through all of them! :o)

