Thursday, October 9, 2014

I freaked out last week.

I'll tell you why. 
You may remember the story I've told about my Carrie-sister and I as little girls, terrifying the neighbor kids with our macabre-filled imaginations, also known as: The Story of Wang and Chang. If you need reminding, go read it here
Don't worry. I'll wait.

All caught up? Good.

Now, last week, Brandon and I were watching a documentary on netflix about autopsies, and the story of a famed set of conjoined twins was shown.
Let me introduce you to Eng and Chang Bunker, who rose to fame in the mid 1800s, and actually coined the term "Siamese twins." They were joined together by a band of cartilage on their chests, and lived to the age of 63.

Here's where the story gets freaky, to me anyway. 
One morning, Eng woke to find that his brother, and other half, had passed away during the night. He followed soon after. Upon autopsy, it was found that while Chang had died of a blood clot, Eng had died of shock. He was literally frightened to death. 
When Eng woke, the shock and fear of seeing his brother dead next to him, killed him as well.

Guys, I had never heard this story before until last week. And yet, Carrie and I told it to our neighbors 20 years ago.  
Has your brain exploded yet? Cause mine sure did.

After watching the documentary, I immediately called Carrie, and she confirmed my feeling that she too thought we had made it up. I have distinct memories of coloring the walls of our clubhouse while imagining up this strange and morbid tale.

There are only two ways to explain this. 
1. Carrie and I must have heard the story on TV as kids and just don't remember. Although, if this were the case, wouldn't it be safe to assume that the rest of my family, our parents and older sisters, would have also heard of the story? None of them remember hearing any other version than the one we told in the backyard. 

Which leads me to explanation two:
2. Carrie and I are psychics and/or were visited by the ghosts of Eng and Chang Bunker. 

On another note, Halloween is coming up. I think I'll dress as myself at 7 years old. It's sure to scare the pants off of everyone.

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