Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2 years

There were alot of boys I wanted to marry when I grew up.

Taylor Hason (dont judge, he was awesome)

Jack Kelly (wait, is that Christian Bale? yes.)

Benny. (the way he swung a bat made my heart go pit-a-pat)

Rufio (who didnt want to marry Rufio?)

But of all the boys I thought I should marry, I'm glad I chose this guy:

cute, huh?


  1. oh, benny. beautiful. i still have a crush on that kid. dang. anything else?

  2. I want to marry those people TOO! Ditto to Carrie.

  3. You two are such a cute couple! Happy anniversary! Isn't it funny how the man of your dreams makes your heart flutter more than any issue of Tiger Beat ever could? :-P
