Thursday, August 26, 2010

rat day aka the best birthday ever

I recently told a story about me getting some stitches and mentioned the rat incident. Its a pretty ridiculous story, so here you go!
It was my 8th birthday, and I was super excited. After all, it was my birthday! You only turn 8 once!
That night, we visited the Owens home. (sidenote: the Owens family is probably the most awesome family ever. Miranda and Teeny, I love you both!!) Our moms were chatting in the front yard, while us girls were playing with the cats. One of the cats got ahold of a rat and was trying to kill it. Yeah, I know, gross.
Of course, being the genius that I am, I decided to "save the little mousey" and scooped the rat up. It promptly bit me. I promptly flapped my arms around to get the rat to let go. It didn't. I flapped harder, and it let go, flying into the air, and I'm sure the cat jumped right back on it. I'm not too sure about all the details now, it all gets a little fuzzy.
We went into the kitchen, and ran my finger under the faucet while Tommy Owens caught the rat in a tupperware to bring to the hospital.
I was tested for so many diseases, everything from rabies to allergies to pet dander. Given the all-clear, they stitched up my finger and sent me home.
Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that day!! I thought you were nuts! I'm glad you have somewhat fond memories of this day :D I did not remember it was your birthday, though.
