Monday, November 7, 2011

are you ready for some football?!?!

I'm not a huge fan of watching football on TV. It tends to make me real bored. But there are some things I enjoy:

1. The bands. They dance while playing, which is difficult. Also, they get to play "Crazy Train" and "Star Wars". Sweet!

2. Making fun of the fans. Dude, they're crazy. My favorite part is when they show footage of the fans of the losing team. They always look like their lives are over, like they just saw the grim reaper coming to take them away. The other day, there was a guy weeping in the stands. Weeping. Comedic gold.

3. Watching Brandon watch football. He gets so excited and charged up. It's cute.

4. Footage of players accidentally tackling refs. I don't know why it makes me laugh so hard, but I accept it.

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