Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm not going back to the library for a few weeks.

You will not believe what just happened to me. I took the girls to the public library for a little bit before lunch. Portia was off playing and I was holding Margot on my hip, when a woman started chatting with me.
Now I'm used to strangers talking to me about my kids, I'm even pretty used to strangers tickling their toes or patting their chubby hands. I don't love it, but I'm used to it. But I was not prepared for what this woman did.
She pinched cheeks, grabbed toes, tickled tummy, her hands were all over Margot. It made me a little uncomfortable, but I assumed she would soon move on. She didn't. She then started kissing and hugging Margot. Kissing her face, hugging her close. Keep in mind that I'm still holding my baby, so she is really close to me. Then things started getting real weird. Margot spit her binky out and it landed on the floor. This crazy woman picked it up, and put it in her own mouth. What?!? Are you kidding me?!? She then tried to put it back in Margot's mouth. I intercepted it, thank heavens.
At this point, I was trying to get Portia's attention so we could leave, when the woman put her hands out towards Margot and said "Do you wanna come to me?" I held Margot tight and said something about needing to go soon. Apparently that was the wrong answer, because this woman grabbed my child and yanked her out of my arms, saying "I'm sorry, I just really love babies."
I was furious. I told her that I too love babies, especially my own baby, and could she please give her back. She did, and I grabbed my stuff and Portia and we booked it to the car.
Guess what. She followed us. I looked up from buckling Margot into her carseat and found Nutso standing with her own toddler at my car, ogling Portia now. I couldn't believe it. She made my skin crawl, and I was half afraid that she was going to grab my kids and run off with them. We got all buckled it and I locked the doors and we went home.
If you go to the Norman library anytime soon, don't lose sight of your kids.

1 comment:

  1. Scary! They make Lifetime movies about crazy people like this! Be careful!
