Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reasons Why I am an Awesome Parent

or, My Nerdiness Knows no Bounds.

1. Portia loves Harry Potter. Mostly, she loves the Pottermore website, but she likes the first movie a lot as well. She has a framed Gryffindor Lion above her bed. I'm raising muggleborns over here!

2. My girls LOVE Star Wars. They have seen the whole trilogy (4,5,and 6. They are too young to be subjected to the horror that is Hayden Christianson's acting just yet). Portia sat and watched them all back to back, and when one would end, she would say "Again! Again!" She has since requested to watch them on several occasions. Her favorites are the Chewie and the "little bears."

3. I recently introduced my girls to the movie, Labrynth. Portia was equally frightened and enthralled. She told me today that it was her favorite, and has taken a strong liking to David Bowie.

4. Portia likes Star Trek, she calls it the "Captain Lights Show." Ah, Jean Luke Picard.

I bet you thought I was only a Harry Potter nerd huh?

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