Day 31: A vivid memory
One of my most vivid memories is actually one of my oldest.
It takes place when my family lived in Indiana, so I must have been around 2 or 3 years old.
I remember my whole family, cousins, aunts and uncles, all being over at our house. We lived in an old yellow farmhouse, and the adults were all inside talking and the kids all went outside to catch fireflies. I remember that I was wearing a purple shirt, and I was standing next to my Jeannine-sister and my cousin, Ryan, in the little yard on the left side of the house..
I remember that I had to run inside to go to the bathroom, and I was trying to hurry so that I wouldn't miss any of the fun outside. What I didn't know is that while I was in the bathroom, all the kids decided to come inside. Jeannine and Daisy had just gotten new beds, and they all came inside to see them.
I finished up in the bathroom and hurried back outside. By that time it had gotten really dark, and when I realized that I was all alone, I was so scared. I remember feeling stuck, like I was frozen outside. I have no clue why I didn't just go back inside, but I was very little. And people who are very little sometimes don't think clearly. I started to cry, and I remember looking up at the moon, because it was the lightest thing out there in the dark, and I was afraid of the dark.
Eventually, someone came out and found me (I seem to think it was Jeannine), and they said "Cassy, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" I had never been so happy so see someone in my small little life. I remember feeling suddenly very safe and calming down pretty fast. And then I remember going in with whoever found me in to see the new beds.
On another note:
It's in another language, but you get the jist.

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