Sunday, September 22, 2013

Six Things About Me

One of my fave bloggers, Lena B, recently posted an "about me" on her blog, and, like her, I love stumbling across these types of posts. So I'm jumping on the bandwagon! Here are...

Six Questions About Myself:

Is this how you thought your life would be?
Actually, yes. I always thought I'd be married to a super hunky dude (check), have beautiful babies (check), and be happy (check check)! There are things I still want, like more kids, a house, and to be done with school, but I honestly thought my life would never be this good. I know I never expected my hair to be this fabulous!
Seriously though, if given the chance to change anything, I'd have nothing to change.

If money were no question, I would purchase:
Oh man, I don't know. I don't want to say a house, cause we don't know where we'll be going to med school yet. And there's not really a lot of stuff that I'd like to buy. I'd like a new phone, and some new clothes, and I'm always game for buying hair products, but that's lame.
I would love to take a vacation to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter with Carrie. And do it right. Buy all the souvenirs we want, eat in the park every day, stay in the Hogwarts castle (can you do that? I don't know, but if money is no option, I would.)
Yeah. Harry Potter.

What's your drink of choice when out with girlfriends?
Since my "girlfriends" are toddlers, and I don't drink alcohol, I'm going to have to say good ol Dr. Pepper. Man, I love that stuff.

What do you love about yourself?
I know I've told you all how much I love me. One of my favorite things about me is that I am really fun. I am silly and humorous (I like to think), and I'm fun to hang out with.
If I'm wrong, just let me live in ignorance.

Name a good deed that went unseen.
I feel like motherhood itself is a good deed that sometimes goes unseen. I constantly put others before myself, and I like doing it! There have been times that I have forgotten to pee for two hours, because I was too busy helping Portia and Margot put gowns on all their barbies. But that's part of the job description. I have to stop thinking about myself, and I get to hang out with these two:

What hobbies do you have that you don't mention here?
I don't really have any hobbies. I hang out with babies, I read Harry Potter, I watch tv, and I blog. I guess blogging is my hobby. Am I lame? Probably. But you're still reading this, so obviously I'm not that lame.

So there you go! What are your answers to these questions?

To check out Lena B's post, go here:

1 comment:

  1. I WANT TO GO TO HARRY POTTER WORLD SOOOOO BAD! Someday I will. And it'll be awesome.
