Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Letter from Santa

This is the first year that Portia has really cared about Santa. Last year, she was thrilled on Christmas morning, when Santa brought her presents, but other than that, she was disinterested.

This year, however, she has been talking about jolly old St. Nick non stop. We watch shows about him, we read books about him, I tell stories about him, and she has already written him a letter, and sat on his lap at the mall. 
(Yes, I know it's not even Thanksgiving, but there's no changing this 4-year-old's mind.)

This morning, Portia and Margot got a letter from Santa.

Since the temperature has really dropped outside, the girls have been wanting to wear their boots from last year every day, but they have obviously grown out of them. 
Yesterday, Portia tried to put on her boots, and started to cry because she wanted to wear boots so much. I told her that if she calmed down, maybe Santa would bring her some boots for Christmas. She instantly stopped crying, but was very worried because she didn't include boots in her letter to Santa.
I told her that it would be fine, as Santa is magic, and he will know.

This morning, this note appeared from "Santa."

It says:
"Dear Portia and Margot's Mommy-
I know that Portia and Margot want boots fro Christmas, but I am worried that if I bring the boots when I come on Christmas Eve, they will be waiting too long. Those wonderful little toes will be chilly. Please take Portia and Margot to go get new boots tomorrow, on me!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 
Love, Santa"

So this morning, we went and got the girls some new Christmas boots!
They were so excited!

Thanks Santa!

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