Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Favorite Moments -Book 2

Ready for book 2?

When the trio brews Polyjuice Potion. 

"Immediately, his insides started writhing as though he'd swallowed live snakes -- doubled up, he wondered whether he was going to be sick -- then a burning sensation spread rapidly from his stomach to the very ends of his fingers and toes -- next, bringing him gasping to all fours, came a horrible melting feeling, as the skin all over his body bubbled like hot wax -- and before his eyes, his hands began to grow, the fingers thickened, the nails broadened, the knuckles were bulging like bolts -- his shoulders stretched painfully and a prickling on his forehead told him that hair was creeping down toward his eyebrows -- his robes ripped as his chest expanded like a barrel bursting its hoops -- his feet were agony in shoes four sizes too small--"
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 12, page 216-217

 This shows that Hermione really is the brightest witch of her age. She is not only attempting to brew Polyjuice potion, but she brews it perfectly, as a second year! You go, girl!

When it is revealed that Harry is a Parslemouth.

"'A Parselmouth!' said Ron. 'You can talk to snakes!'...
'So?' said Harry. 'I bet loads of people here can do it.' 
'Oh, no they can't," said Ron. 'It's not a very common gift. Harry, this is bad.'
'What's bad?' said Harry, starting to feel quite angry. 'What's wrong with everyone?...What does it matter...?'
'It matters,' said Hermione, speaking at last in a hushed voice, 'because being able to talk to snakes was what Salazar Slytherin was famous for. That's why the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent.'"
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 11, page 195-196

This moment is where the reader starts to wonder a bit about Harry. What does it all mean? Why is he able to talk to snakes? Why does he share so many qualities with Voldemort?
There is so much foreshadowing here about what is to come, and for the first time ever, Harry is really afraid that he may be just what everyone thinks he is.

When Lockhart Obliviates himself.

"'His memory's gone,' said Ron. 'The Memory Charm backfired. Hit him instead of us. Hasn't got a clue who he is, or where he is, or who we are. I told him to come and wait here. He's a danger to himself.'
Lockhart peered good-naturedly up at them all.
'Hello,' he said. 'Odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?'
No,' said Ron, raising his eyebrows at Harry."
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 17, page 324

Hysterical. I laughed so hard when I first read this book. Lockhart was a conman, and obnoxious, and I loved that he got a taste of his own medicine.
Plus, it added some much needed humor in a very serious part of the story.

What are your favorite moments?

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