Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mommy Confessions

1. I feed my kids Poptarts, box mac-n-cheese, and Spagettios. Often.

2. It usually takes me days to fold my clean laundry.

3. My kids say "butt" all the time. They actually call each other "Stinky-butt." I used to try to get them to stop, but now I say it too.

4. At this moment, my kids are supposed to be taking a nap. They are in their room playing instead. This happens every other day.

5. I usually don't change out of pajamas unless I leave the house. And sometimes, then even not.

6. When my kids want me to do something for them, I sometimes tell them that I can't because my "kisses energy" is low. They have to kiss me before I can get up.

7. I think my kids are cuter than everyone else's kids. Sorry.

8. I like to go in my girls' room, and play barbies with them. I dress the dolls, and give them haircuts, and decorate the big barbie dollhouse. Sometimes I realize that the girls have left the room, and I've been playing barbies by myself for 10 minutes. I'm 26 years old.

9. Sometimes, I hide in the bathroom, for just a few minutes of peace.

10. Being a mom is hard. Sometimes I get the urge to bang my head against a wall. There are days that by the time my kids go to bed, I feel like my brain is literally on fire. But then I go check on my kids while they're sleeping. Portia, with her mouth wide open, snoring sweet little baby snores, and Margot snuggled up with every toy she owns. And I kiss their little heads, and whisper that I love them, and cry.

I've never regretted the decision to become a mother for a moment. I love my kids more than anything in this world, and even when I'm exhausted and my patience is gone, I am still overwhelmingly grateful for these two girls.