How about some May Blogging Challenge?
Day 25: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget.
Day 25: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget.
Hmmm. This is a tough one. Apparently, I have a good memory, because I can think of dozens of things people have told me about myself. And honestly, the first things that come to mind are the negative things people have said.
I can remember many a taunt spat at me growing up, making fun of my clothes or glasses or whatever. I can remember several snide comments from my peers about my beliefs, my appearance, or my family.
And when I think about those remarks, It still hurts my feelings a bit, if it let it.
Thats the trick though, I have to let it hurt my feelings!
People can be cruel, and there is no way to please everybody. No matter what I do, there will always be someone who still thinks I look stupid, or that thinks my opinions are ill-informed, or that I'm just a big doofus.
And that's fine.
What really matters is what I think of me. And I happen to really like me. So it doesn't matter what others say.
Love yourself, and it gets so much easier to ignore the haters!
Sorry, I couldn't not nerd it up.

Love yourself, and it gets so much easier to ignore the haters!
Sorry, I couldn't not nerd it up.

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