Monday, June 25, 2012

Color Run

The Color Run was awesome!
We woke up early and met Carrie, and went to the race site. There were about 10,000 people there, so we decided on a point to meet at when we all finished. And away we went!

The before:
Our shirts say "Can you run with all the colors of the wind?" Because we are cool.

Because there were so many people, they had several different start times. They would let about a thousand people onto the course every 10 minutes, so we didn't actually start running till about 8:40. There were "color stations" set up every so often, where volunteers would chuck colored powder onto us as you ran by. You could choose to have more color, or less. We opted for more.

The after.

After the race, there was a color throw by all the runners. We were all given packets of color that we could toss whenever we wanted, but most people waited until the color throw. Here's a video:

Carrie and I were right in the middle of that, and got a couple of lungfuls of color powder. But we aren't dead yet, so it must be safe! 

We headed over to our designated meeting spot and found Sherrie and Randy, but when we walked right up to Sherrie and said hello, she looked at us like we were nuts. She didn't recognize us haha! 
I don't understand why.
We look totally normal.

We headed home to wash after that. Carrie and I both scrubbed in the shower for a while before getting out, and still had color on us in spots. But it's starting to fade now.

We had so much fun! I want it do this again next year!

Have a colorful week!


  1. That's really cool!! :)How far was the run? A 5K?

  2. yes, a 5K. the color hides how sweaty i was.
