Wednesday, July 3, 2013

things i'm lovin today- 4th of July edition

Tomorrow is one of my favorite holidays! 4th of July!!!

I'm so excited! Let me tell you why.

1. My grandparents and Aunt are driving in from Indiana to visit for the 4th. We don't get to see them very often, so we are all super thrilled!

2. We are spending the holiday out at the lake house, and I've heard that the fireworks display out there is spectacular. And I've also heard that it goes on all night, for about 3 nights straight. Ha ha!!

3. Mmmmm the food we are planning sounds amazing. Barbecue and watermelon and corn chowder and stuffed mushrooms, and I'm drooling.

4. The weather! Dude, as I'm typing this, it's only 79 degrees outside! That's unheard of for an Oklahoma July! Last summer, it was over 100 at this time.

5. This isn't really something related to the 4th, but it is something that I'm lovin' right now. Portia just looked up at me and said "Mama, I like you." Yes!

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