You ready for some cuteness?
Portia's first ever ballet recital was a few weeks ago. It was probably the most adorable thing I've ever witnessed.
I'll give you a minute to pull yourself together.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
May Blogging Challenge - Sorry Dudes.
It's been a while, friends.
The last week has been absolutely crazy, and honestly, blogging hasn't even crossed my mind. We've been through storms, packed up everything we own, and moved across the state.
If you've turned the news on lately, you probably know all about the huge tornado that ripped through Moore, OK. Luckily, we were unharmed, but we only lived 4 miles from the damage. It's horrible.
Here's a video Brandon and I took while driving through the area.
Sadly, videos and pictures don't do it justice. The destruction is indescribable. Whole neighborhoods are reduced to piles of rubble. When I stop to think about what was lost, it breaks my heart.
With all the craziness following the storms, I missed a few days of the May Blogging Challenge. And then I missed a few days more with the move.
We moved yesterday! We left Norman, since Brandon graduated from OU, and headed back home to the Tulsa area, Claremore to be exact! We are still living out of boxes, but we'll be settled in soon!
The last week has been absolutely crazy, and honestly, blogging hasn't even crossed my mind. We've been through storms, packed up everything we own, and moved across the state.
If you've turned the news on lately, you probably know all about the huge tornado that ripped through Moore, OK. Luckily, we were unharmed, but we only lived 4 miles from the damage. It's horrible.
Here's a video Brandon and I took while driving through the area.
Sadly, videos and pictures don't do it justice. The destruction is indescribable. Whole neighborhoods are reduced to piles of rubble. When I stop to think about what was lost, it breaks my heart.
But I have learned a great lesson from this experience. I never want to live far from Oklahoma. Confused? Let me explain.
In the last week, I have witnessed the people of this state rally together mere hours after the storms passed, to lift each other up. Cleaning up debris, donating supplies and money and time; iit's remarkable. Several large companies in the area have donated millions of dollars. The Oklahoma Blood Institute has over 4 times the normal amount of their stores. There are hundreds of churches that have been deemed "tornado relief outposts," where people who need food, water, diapers, clothes, etc. can go to receive help. The University of Oklahoma opened its dorms for anyone who lost their home to stay in for free.
These are only a few examples. The entire state has come together in love, and I'm so proud to be an Okie!
Passing out diapers and wipes on the side of the road to whoever needs them.
These are only a few examples. The entire state has come together in love, and I'm so proud to be an Okie!
With all the craziness following the storms, I missed a few days of the May Blogging Challenge. And then I missed a few days more with the move.
We moved yesterday! We left Norman, since Brandon graduated from OU, and headed back home to the Tulsa area, Claremore to be exact! We are still living out of boxes, but we'll be settled in soon!
Here's the deal. I think I'm calling it quits with the challenge. I've missed 7 days in a row, and I'm predicting that I'll miss more in the next few days. Can ya blame me? I'm a busy mama lately!
Anyway, the whole point of the challenge was for you to get to know me a bit more. Who says that all has to happen in 30 days? I'll go back every once in a while and grab one of the challenge prompts, and tell you all about me.
I actually kinda like it better this way. I don't have to do them in order, and I can ignore the silly ones, and I can even make up my own (what can I say, I'm a rebel)! And, if any of you have any questions that you's like me to answer, feel free to comment!
Anyway, the whole point of the challenge was for you to get to know me a bit more. Who says that all has to happen in 30 days? I'll go back every once in a while and grab one of the challenge prompts, and tell you all about me.
I actually kinda like it better this way. I don't have to do them in order, and I can ignore the silly ones, and I can even make up my own (what can I say, I'm a rebel)! And, if any of you have any questions that you's like me to answer, feel free to comment!
may blogging challenge,
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Day 19, Blogs I Love!
May 19th- 5 Blogs you Love and Why You Love Them
Al's Narratives
This is Autumn. She's really cool. She has traveled all across Europe, has wonderful insights, and loves Mormons. We've never met, but I love her.
Hannah Explains It All
This is Hannah. She's my dear friend, and is seriously one of the coolest people you'll ever meet. She's a journalist, an artist, and a smokin hot babe, as you can see.
Clothed Much
This is Elaine. She has the most wonderful style ever. Look at how cute she is! Not only are her clothes super attractive, but they're reasonably priced and modest. Love!
Lena B Actually
This is Lena. She's super rad. She has cool clothes, cute kids, and some serious skills in photography! I've never met her either, but I feel like if we did, we'd be buds.
Cooking Classy
This is Jaclyn. She makes some seriously tasty food. Look at that cupcake. Look at it. Go to her blog. Make her recipes. Be happy.

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Day 18, I Remember a Twister
May 18th- Tell a Story From Your Childhood
It is prime tornado weather here in Oklahoma today. It's warm but cloudy, and really humid but windy. We are under a tornado watch until 11 pm, and I can almost feel the sky turning green.
So, in loo of this, I will tell you about the time that I was in a tornado as a kid.
No, this is not a photo that I took. I just got it off the internet.
I don't remember how old I was, but I do know that I was young enough to be upset that I had to come inside and stop playing when the sirens went off. So probably around 5 or 6? Anyway. My Carrie-sister and I had been outside playing in the backyard all morning, with a lime green frisbee, like this one:
I think we had either found it or borrowed it from anther kid in the neighborhood, but I know it wasn't ours.
I think we had either found it or borrowed it from anther kid in the neighborhood, but I know it wasn't ours.
The sirens went off, and my mom made us come inside, and I was upset. We had left the frisbee in the yard, and I just knew it would blow away.
We hung out in the bathtub, while my mom listened to the radio coverage of the weather.
It is at this time that I realize that I have no memory of Daisy or Jeannine in this event. Maybe they were at school, or maybe the frisbee's safety took precedence in my mind. Sorry I don't remember guys. Obviously, you lived, so it's no big deal.
I remember at one point, leaving the bathroom and going to the back door, which was made of glass. I remember looking out, and seeing nothing but wind. I wonder if this really happened, but it's in my brain. I don't remember feeling afraid, just worried about the frisbee.
The tornado came and went, and when it was safe again, we went outside to check out the damage. The house was ok, maybe a few shingles missing, but the pine tree in the front yard was completely ripped out by it roots. It was laying on its side, with a huge pit where it had been.
But I know what you're all wondering: what about the frisbee? It was still where we had left it in the backyard. That's the crazy thing about tornadoes, folks. I've seen houses half gone, with the pictures still hanging on the wall and the dishes still on the table.

may blogging challenge,
Day 17, I'm So Hot!
May 17th- A Favorite Picture of Yourself
Alright, I'ma be honest. I love pictures of myself. I actually couldn't narrow it down to one favorite. Or even two.
So here are 6 of my favorite photos of myself!
Alright, I'ma be honest. I love pictures of myself. I actually couldn't narrow it down to one favorite. Or even two.
So here are 6 of my favorite photos of myself!
This one was taken at the Color Run last summer. I love it. Carrie and I looked so fun!
This was taken at my wedding (obviously), and it's one of my favorite because it shows a teeny bit of the awesome relationship that is Carrie and I.
Ok, so apparently I really like Carrie. This was taken on our family trip to Pensacola, FL. We look so rad.
This was taken right after Margot was born. This is the first time I held her. I love this shot. I love that I have the moment where I first laid eyes on my daughter.
This is one of my favorites because it shows an honest belly-laugh. It's awesome.
This was taken by Benita at BRCPhotography. Obviously it's one of my faves because I look smokin hot!

Friday, May 17, 2013
Day 16, My Lot in Life
May 16th - Something Difficult About Your "Lot in Life" and How You're Working to Overcome It
Honestly? My life is pretty awesome.
I have been thinking about this prompt all day, and I'm having a hard time coming up with anything to write about.
I have struggles, just like everyone else, but I know too many people who deal with so much more than I ever could. It makes my life seem like a piece of cake, ya know?
So I'm not going to make up some issue, or take something small and turn it into something big.
I have a lot of really great things going for me right now. I am healthy and strong. I have a home and food in my pantry, and even a few luxuries. I have a devoted husband and beautiful children, and loads more family that I am close to. I have faith and hope for the future, and I am happy!
My lot in life is pretty good!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Day 14, Things I'm Lovin Today!
May 14th- 10 Things That Make You Really Happy
Man, I do this all the time! Only I call these posts "Things I'm Lovin Today."
Usually on days where I'm extra tired or cranky, or just need a reminder of how awesome my life is, I write a post about things I love.
So here, for your entertainment, are Things I'm Lovin Today, Life Edition:
1. My family. I have the best husband in the world, and the most amazing little girls!
2. Dr. Pepper. It's smooth and bubbly and delicious and caffeinated.
3. Music. Moves my soul and makes life better.
4. Driving down the highway with the windows down and the music loud. Instantly boosts my mood.
5. The Ocean. Man, I love the ocean. I seriously could live there.
6. Fireworks. The rumble-your-heart, shake-the-ground big-boomers. I actually just giggle the whole time.
7. Two words: Harry. Potter.
8. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Knowing that there is a plan for me and that there is always hope is very comforting.
9. Naps.
10. Doing hair. I love meeting lots of people and making them feel better about themselves. Cheap hair products is a plus too!

Monday, May 13, 2013
Day 13, Apology
May 13th- Issue a Public Apology
Today we went to the zoo. While looking at the bears, we saw woman there with her daughter, who was severely handicapped. Confined to a wheelchair and very small, she had some trouble moving her head to see the animals. Her sweet mom was turning her and pointing and cheerfully talking about the bears to her, and though she couldn't talk, she was listening.
Portia was watching this little girl, and after a few moments, asked me "What's wrong with her?" My heart broke. I pulled her away and told her that sometimes people are different. And that it doesn't mean that she is any less special, just that she is different.
I started thinking about this mom and her baby, and I thought about all the stares and rude comments they must endure.
My apology is to them today.
I'm sorry if my child offended you this afternoon, and I'm sorry if I said the wrong thing to her in response. I'm sorry that kids (and adults) can be cruel. I'm sorry for all the heartache you must feel at times, when people say or do mean things.
I hope you both had a fun day at the zoo.
Today we went to the zoo. While looking at the bears, we saw woman there with her daughter, who was severely handicapped. Confined to a wheelchair and very small, she had some trouble moving her head to see the animals. Her sweet mom was turning her and pointing and cheerfully talking about the bears to her, and though she couldn't talk, she was listening.
Portia was watching this little girl, and after a few moments, asked me "What's wrong with her?" My heart broke. I pulled her away and told her that sometimes people are different. And that it doesn't mean that she is any less special, just that she is different.
I started thinking about this mom and her baby, and I thought about all the stares and rude comments they must endure.
My apology is to them today.
I'm sorry if my child offended you this afternoon, and I'm sorry if I said the wrong thing to her in response. I'm sorry that kids (and adults) can be cruel. I'm sorry for all the heartache you must feel at times, when people say or do mean things.
I hope you both had a fun day at the zoo.

Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day!
What a wonderful day! Our friends, Mikhael and Ashley, were in town for Brandon's graduation, so we all went to church together, where Portia sang with the Primary kids, and came home and I got to take a nap!
Brandon made dinner (with some help) and now we are relaxin!
Brandon made dinner (with some help) and now we are relaxin!
From Brandon
The chocolates were delicious, I ate them in one sitting.
Yesterday, my hunk of a husband graduated from OU!! I am so proud of him!
Proud of Daddy!
Yeah baby!
Day 11, Ten Words
May 11th- Sell Yourself in 10 Words or Less

Day 10, Most Embarrassing Moment
I forgot when I started this challenge how crazy May was going to be for us. Brandon graduates, we have family coming to visit, and we move across the state. Maybe starting a daily blogging challenge wasn't a super awesome idea. So, chances are, this won't be the last time I miss a day. Oh well.
May 10th (late, sorry)- Your Most Embarrassing Moment
This one was kinda tough. Not because I didn't want to share my embarrassing moments, or heavens knows not because I don't have any (ha!), but because I've already shared most of them!
You can check them out here and here and here and here and here.
But, I did think of one that I haven't shared before. So here you go!
Once upon a time, I lived in Utah to go to BYU. One semester, I was lucky enough to nab an open spot in Intro to Ballroom Dance. You see, at BYU, Ballroom is the most coveted class ever, and usually lower-classmen never get in. I was so excited! The only problem was that my class was at 8am, and I am not a morning person.
The only grades in the class were 3 tests and a final, and our attendance. My attendance wasn't perfect, on account of the early hour, so I was relying on the tests to carry me.
Now, the tests in Ballroom were different than most classes. Each test was over a certain genre of ballroom dance, like foxtrot or cha cha. We were paired up, and in front of the whole class, had to dance. We only had a few minutes, and we had to show good form, be on the right counts, and incorporate at least a certain number of special moves.
My first test wasn't great, which is another story for another day. My next two tests were alright, and so I was pretty confident going into the final. It was over the Swing. To this day, I can't remember any of the Swing. I think I repressed it in my humiliation.
My partner and I took our places and started to dance. We were doing pretty well, when disaster struck. On one of our special moves, the heel of one of my shoes got caught in the strap of the other. It hurt too, scraped up my foot, and I started to bleed.
But the worst part is that I fell. Let's be real here, I didn't just fall, I bit the dust. I crashed. I smacked the ground...with my face.
That's not even the most embarrassing part of this whole ordeal. I was wearing a skirt. It flew up over my head, and the whole class got a good view of my undies. And I was wearing quite small undies.
I was mortified, of course, but our turn wasn't over. I had to get back up, and finish my test. Red-faced and bleeding, I was so flustered that I messed up over and over and over. After my turn was done, I grabbed my bag and ran from the room. I'm pretty sure I cried the whole way home.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of how I flunked dance class.
May 10th (late, sorry)- Your Most Embarrassing Moment
This one was kinda tough. Not because I didn't want to share my embarrassing moments, or heavens knows not because I don't have any (ha!), but because I've already shared most of them!
You can check them out here and here and here and here and here.
But, I did think of one that I haven't shared before. So here you go!
Once upon a time, I lived in Utah to go to BYU. One semester, I was lucky enough to nab an open spot in Intro to Ballroom Dance. You see, at BYU, Ballroom is the most coveted class ever, and usually lower-classmen never get in. I was so excited! The only problem was that my class was at 8am, and I am not a morning person.
The only grades in the class were 3 tests and a final, and our attendance. My attendance wasn't perfect, on account of the early hour, so I was relying on the tests to carry me.
Now, the tests in Ballroom were different than most classes. Each test was over a certain genre of ballroom dance, like foxtrot or cha cha. We were paired up, and in front of the whole class, had to dance. We only had a few minutes, and we had to show good form, be on the right counts, and incorporate at least a certain number of special moves.
My first test wasn't great, which is another story for another day. My next two tests were alright, and so I was pretty confident going into the final. It was over the Swing. To this day, I can't remember any of the Swing. I think I repressed it in my humiliation.
My partner and I took our places and started to dance. We were doing pretty well, when disaster struck. On one of our special moves, the heel of one of my shoes got caught in the strap of the other. It hurt too, scraped up my foot, and I started to bleed.
But the worst part is that I fell. Let's be real here, I didn't just fall, I bit the dust. I crashed. I smacked the ground...with my face.
That's not even the most embarrassing part of this whole ordeal. I was wearing a skirt. It flew up over my head, and the whole class got a good view of my undies. And I was wearing quite small undies.
I was mortified, of course, but our turn wasn't over. I had to get back up, and finish my test. Red-faced and bleeding, I was so flustered that I messed up over and over and over. After my turn was done, I grabbed my bag and ran from the room. I'm pretty sure I cried the whole way home.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of how I flunked dance class.

may blogging challenge
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