Monday, July 26, 2010

yesterday's stats

number of times Portia peed on the kitchen floor: 2
number of fits thrown at church: 1 (it was an hour long)

the knowledge that I can tease her with this when she's 13: priceless

Friday, July 23, 2010

the light at the end of the tunnel

As of today,
only 27 days of hair school left.

Just so you know.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

lice+barf=a normal day at hair school

Hair school was fun today.
A huge family came in to get their hair cut. Soon after they arrived, the mom started nursing her baby right out in the open. No blanket, nothing. There are kids in here, lady!
We then realized that 2 of the little girls had lice, so we started to send them away, when one of those girls yakked all over the floor. Joy.
They left, we sanitized, the end.


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g , ,j jhn'

written and typed by Portia.

juuuuuust kiddddddding...

So I thought Lortab doesn't affect me.
Apparently, I just didn't give it enough time.
It definitely affects me.

I was a little louder and sillier than I meant to be today.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

to Lortab, or not to Lortab?

Yesterday morning, I awoke with extreme pain in my back. I went to the doctor, and was told that I have a small sprain/strain in some muscle somewhere in my back (woohoo). Nothing too serious, easily cured with some ice packs, rest, and muscles relaxers and Lortab.
Wait, what? Muscle relaxers AND Lortab?!? Holy crap!
So I took the meds. And I waited. I waited for the buzz, waited for the loopiness, waited to start acting like the sister in Sixteen Candles.
Nothing. I feel nothing different. Not even a little drowsy. And the best part? The pain is still there too.
What's the point?

for a duck may be somebody's mother

I love fireworks. And I love it when the fireworks are synced with music. For as long as I can remember, my sister Carrie and I have sung along with the song "Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillips Sousa on the 4th of July. Except we have always sung it a little different.
Until this year, we have always thought that this version of the song was well-known. But apparently, we were wrong.
Carrie asked her friends at BYU, and I asked Brandon, and no one had ever heard of it. But I knew we didn't make it up. We aren't THAT weird...
Sooooooo I googled it!
This song was originally recorded in the 1950s by a group called Homer and Jethro. Since then, it has appeared on many shows/movies, including Sesame Street and Tiny Toons, both of which are shows that Carrie and I watched.
See? We aren't nuts.