Friday, January 31, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 16

I've been saving this look for a day when I didn't have to go anywhere. And since Portia is sick again (arg!!), today's that day!

You ready to see me?

I'm not going to lie to you, I washed my face immediately after I snapped these pics. I'm just not made to be a goth.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 15

This is one of the looks that made me want to start this makeup challenge in the first place! It's so pretty, I wanna die! 

I toned mine down a bit, and didn't add any glitter or false lashes:

I like it!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 14

Here's my inspiration:

This is such a fun look! It's downplayed enough that I don't feel weird about wearing it to the grocery store, but still so unique!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 13


This is a tutorial I've been really excited to try. 
It seems that every time I try purple eyeshadow, I feel like I look like this:


But this tutorial looks really wearable and pretty!

I like it! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 12

I'm back! It was a long week, and it was pretty hard laying my Grandpa to rest, but I am grateful for my family and the knowledge that I will see my grandpa again.

Ready to get back into the 30 day makeup challenge? I am!
Today's tutorial is Brigitte Bardot inspired. Bombshell, baby!

Of course, I had to do some messy Brigitte hair, which is always fun!
I really like this look, it makes my eyes look awesome! It reminds me a bit of the Lorde Royals look. It is very glamorous, so I may be toning it down to take Margot to the doctor in a while, but this is a perfect date night look.

On another note, I won a contest!
Laura, over at I do deClaire gave away this gorgeous necklace and bracelet set:

I am in love! Thanks Laura!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sorry I've been a bit MIA the last few days. 
Tonight I leave to drive up to Indiana for my Grandpa's funeral, and I probably won't have the time to continue the makeup challenge while I'm gone. But I will pick it up again when I get back.

My Grandpa was 90 years old, had been battling cancer. I will miss him very much, but I know that I'll see him again.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Passion for Fashion Friday - Makeup Challenge Day 11

Have I told you how much I love this girl? Her name is Sharon Farrell, and she is an Irish makeup artist living in Australia. Her tutorials are gorgeous, and she makes it easy to follow along. Plus, she's funny, and her accent is like music to my ears!

I love this look! Silver is really pretty on blue eyes, and I love the shimmery effect!

Lena B, Actually

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 10

10 days down, 20 to go!

I'm not going to lie, this is not my favorite look. I don't hate it, but I think it washes me out a bit. I bet it would be stunning on someone with brown eyes and a more olive skin tone.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 9 and 11 Things

It's Day 9, and it's a look that I've been really excited to try!

It's called "harlequin eyeliner"

I love it! So fun!

On another note, Lena B asked 11 questions today:

1. When did you last laugh?
Last night, when I stumbled across this gem on Pinterest:


2. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Target, easily.

3. What's under your bed?
Our luggage, the summer quilt, dust, and probably about 300 lost hair-ties.

4. What do you consider your best physical feature?
I have two: my big blue eyes, and my long legs.

5. What is your best childhood memory?
    I don't know if I have a favorite, but there has been one going through my head a lot lately. When I was really little, my grandparents owned a motel. I used to walk down with my Grandpa to pick blackberries that grew on the property. I have a memory of walking, holding his pinky finger, and looking up at him. It was sunny, so all I could see was his silhouette. I can still see it in my brain. 

6. Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 18 & copy the fourth sentence here:

"In fairness to Aberforth, it must be admitted that living in Albus's shadow cannot have been an altogether comfortable experience." 
-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

7. Seen anything weird lately?
Um, I saw that people are getting gages in their bottom lips. Ew.
If you're confused, google it.

8. If you could change one thing about your home, without worry or expense, what would you do?
Since we are living in an upstairs apartment, I'm not sure this applies.

9. What is your favorite time of day?
I'm a big night-owl.

10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don't know. When I first laid eyes on my hubby, I had a major crush, but I think love develops after getting to know a person.

11.Tell me something about you most people don't know.
I can make the ugliest faces in the world, and I am quite proud of them.
You're welcome.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 8

I've found my St. Patrick's Day look, ladies and gents! Very pretty!

I love it!! I think I'll definitely wear this again! I kinda want to glam it up even more: maybe add some false lashes, a bit more liner, and maybe even, dare I say it, GLITTER!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 7

This is one that I've tried before, and really liked it!

Like she said in the video, this look is actually pretty tricky. I feel like mine didn't turn out nearly as well as hers, but I still like it.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 6

I promise I did my makeup yesterday! I swear!
I just didn't post.
But here I am!

Here's yesterday's tutorial:

And on me:
 Very pretty, and really wearable.

So there's yesterday.

Here's the dealio. I'm not going to do my makeup today, on account of being home with a sick Portia, poor girl. There's no point in getting dolled up if you're just going to be thrown up on.
So I will pick up with Day 7 tomorrow!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Passion for Fashion Friday - Makeup Challenge

Day 5! And it's one of my favorite looks:

Very retro, very fun, and so pretty!

Lena B, Actually

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 is highlighting and contouring! Woohoo!
I see this on pinterest all the time, but I've always been too nervous to try, until now:

Not bad:
It looks really pretty in photos, but in person, it's a bit more makeup than I like to wear. I think I'll try to tone it down a bit when I try it again.

On another note, last night I had this great dream that I had won a free trip to a really nice spa for a massage. I was so excited, and just as I was getting ready to go into the room, my kids woke me up.
And now I remember why I need a massage.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Makeup Challenge - Day 2

Happy Tuesday! I am hanging out at my Mom's house, eating fabulous mushroom soup, listening to my babies play, and basking in the glory that is cute makeup!

Check out the tutorial:

And on me:

My white is a lot more silver and shimmery than the tutorial's, but I still like it!

Makeup Challenge - Day 3

I was really excited to try day 3's look:

And on me:

I didn't have any gold sparkly eyeliner (who does?)
So I used silver. It's really pretty, but I feel like it's a bit too much for everyday. 
But next date night, this may be the look I choose!

100% True

Whoever made these is a genius.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ship of Theseus

For Christmas, my Jeannine-sister gave me a really cool book, called S. by J.J. Abrams. It kinda blew my mind when I first opened it up.

Here's a summary:

"There's a whole lot going on within the formidable book package known as S. After removing the shrink-wrap, you find a book holster, inside of which is the novel, Ship of Theseus, attributed to one V.M. Straka. Flipping through the pages, you notice that they all feature seemingly handwritten notes in the margins, amounting to a dialogue between two students passing the book back and forth. Like a hastily assembled briefcase, there are clippings, postcards and other assorted ephemera scattered about, physically wedged in between pages. Finally, while reading the introduction to Ship of Theseus, it becomes clear that these students are enmeshed in the mystery of the book’s authorship, one that has supposedly daunted scholars for decades."

Basically, it's a book within a book, surrounded in several different mysteries.
There's the novel itself, and the strange circumstances surrounding its main character, a man only known as "S."
Then there's the mystery of the identity, life, and alleged crimes of the author, V. M. Straka. 
Then there's the story of the two students written in the margins.

Guys, this book is intense!

I honestly haven't been this excited reading a new book since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And that's saying something. 

If you have the chance, I highly recommend this book!

30 Day Makeup Challenge- Day 1

About a year ago, I did a 30 day hair challenge. I had to do my hair in a different style every day for 30 days, and document it. It was hard, because I'm a lazy-brain, but it was fun!

A long time ago, I saw the idea in a magazine, along with a 30 day makeup challenge. I had so much fun with the hair challenge, I thought I'd give it a shot.

Makeup is actually a lot more daunting to me than hair is. (Obviously, I'm a hairstylist.) Most days, I don't do much, if anything. So this challenge is really going to be a challenge!

Day 1

Here's the tutorial:
This is one that I use quite often; it's really pretty on blue eyes!

Here it is on me:

Now that I have gorgeous makeup on, I guess I should get out of my pjs.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Nerd Humor

My inner nerd is coming pictures!

You're welcome.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Margot is a Slytherin

New Year's Eve was a lot of fun! We went and picked up Brandon from work, ate some dinner, and went to the mall for a bit of window shopping. 
Of course, with two toddlers, we had to visit the Disney store.

Portia and Margot love the Disney store; they call it the princess store, and we will typically spend an hour or more looking at each and every toy.
Last night was no different.

 While looking around, Margot suddenly grabbed ahold of my legs in a tender hug, looked up at me with puppy-dog eyes, and said "Mama I love you." 
I melted, and said "Oh, I love you too honey!"

She smiled up at me, held up a toy, and said "I want this." 

This kid's good.