Monday, September 20, 2010

a rant

Today I had an experience that made me think about the nature of women. We tend to be inclined to be horrible to each other. We gossip and backbite and criticize, and I think we sometimes do this without even realizing it. And we sometimes don't realize the effect it may have on others.
When is it ever ok to make snide comments to someone because you don't approve of their outfit or hair or shoes? When is it ok to fabricate a lie about someone and spread it around? When is it ok to nit-pick and find the weaknesses of people and slap them in the face with it?
It's impossible to be perfect. As Ricky Nelson so eloquently wrote, "you can't please everyone, you've got to please yourself." We will never find a way to make everyone happy all the time. We can't worry about it, and we have to stop making others feel inferior just because it makes us feel better for that split-second. We will all be happier in the end.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - I know I've been guilty of all of the above at different times in my life. Becoming a mother has really helped me realize that I don't know what's going on with other people and it's best to just give support, love and encouragement.
