Friday, August 3, 2012

library adventures

Sometimes I wonder why I have so much gray hair.

I took the girls out in public today.
Its been so hot and we haven't ventured outdoors much in the last few days, I thought they needed to get out. We stopped by Sonic on the way and got drinks (juice for Portia, Dr. Pepper for Mommy), and headed to the library. As we got out of the car, I reminded Portia that there is a bathroom here, and if she needs to go, she should come tell me. We went in and started playing, and sure enough, after a few minutes, Portia came and told me she had to pee.
The Norman library has a bathroom just for kids that is great. Everything is smaller, so the kids can come in and go without help. Portia loves it. I scooped up Margot, and we headed in. Portia did her business and we went back out to play.
A few minutes later, I noticed Portia standing off by herself, very still (bad sign)! You guessed it folks. She had pooped.
So I grabbed my bags, picked up Margot again, and headed back to the bathroom. I put Margot down on the floor, silently praying no toddlers had missed the toilet lately and started cleaning Portia up.
She kicked the poop onto the floor.
So now, I had to clean up Portia and the floor. I think at this point, my eye started twitching. I got the floor clean, and Margot started trying to play with the poop in the toilet.
In case you've never tried it, cleaning up a 3 year old and simultaneously herding a 10 month old away from a toilet in a 3x3 foot room is really difficult.
I finally got Margot away from the toilet and Portia clean, and realized that I had forgotten a clean set of panties. Then Margot grabbed my half-full Sonic cup and dumped Dr. Pepper all over the floor.
Yeah. Really.
I started trying to mop that up with paper towels, but to no avail. The floor and the 3 of us were covered in sticky soda.
I got Portia to wash her hands, and ushered them out as quickly as I could, walking right past the line of other kids and mothers waiting to use the restroom. Not at all embarrassing.
Portia then realized that we weren't going to play anymore and threw a huge tantrum. How someone can both stomp and drag their feet at the same time is beyond me, but she did. I was just hoping that her skirt wouldn't flip up, because she was going commando.
We got home, I tossed the girls in the bathtub, and shreded my library card.
Not really.
But we won't be venturing out of our house again for a little while.


  1. I read this out loud to my mom just now and we were both cracking up! What a terrible, funny story that I'm sure you'll enjoy telling them both when they're older!

  2. In the moment, I was torn between laughing and crying haha! It's pretty funny.

  3. I'm so sorry but I am so glad you wrote about this debacle of an event. You've made my week by giving me an ab work out and making me smile. Love you girl! You just keep on keepin' on.

  4. Wow!! Thanks for the laugh! Sorry for your adventure - thanks for helping me put some things into perspective.
