Tuesday, August 27, 2013

nap time adventures

If you're morally opposed to reading blog posts about babies and poop (mostly poop), turn away now!

We had a fun morning here at the Rawlinson house! I took the girls to the splash pad that just opened up in town. They loved it! We played for about an hour and a half, and then it was nearing nap time. I could tell the girls were ready to go home when Portia lay down on the ground and Margot ran towards the car shouting "Go! Go!"
So away we went! I put them in dry clothes, fed them lunch, and tossed them into bed!

I love nap time. It's me time. I can eat lunch without anyone sitting on me, I can do some chores while watching a show that doesn't involve talking squirrels, and I can even take a nap myself every once in a while!

Today was no exception. I folded laundry, ate some leftover pizza, took a shower, surfed the web; it was glorious! Just as nap time was coming to a close, I heard the girls' bedroom door open. Portia came out, hair standing on end and sleep lines on her face. I asked her if she slept well, and she answered "Yeah but Margot pooped."

Now, this isn't all that uncommon. Margot wears diapers and still sleeps in a crib. So if she poops during nap time, she can't come tell me, Portia does it.

So I got up to go get her and change her, when Portia continued.
"Mom, the poop is everywhere!" Come again?

I asked her to explain. "Mom, Margot pooped and then took her diaper off and the poop got everywhere!"

I ran.

Before even opening the door, I could smell it. Portia wasn't kidding. There Margot stood, naked from the waist down, covered in poop. All over her, all over the bedding, all over the crib, even on the wall! I was stunned. Then Margot gave me a huge grin, and I said "Margot! You made a huge mess huh!" and she pointed down to the floor, and said "Barbie!"

I looked, and there was a poop-crusted barbie next to my foot. I almost cried.

I scooped her up and put her right in the shower. I loaded up all the bedding and started a load of laundry. I wiped down the crib and wall, and sanitized them. And I tossed that barbie straight into the trash.

On another note, I think I'm getting wrinkles.

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