Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Chateau de Gudanes

In 2013, a couple bought an abandoned French mansion in the Midi-Pyrénées, and started the long and exciting journey of restoring it to its 18th century glory.
And I just found the blog.

The Chateau de Gundanes was built in the early 1700s by Louis Gaspard de Sales, Marquis de Gudanes.
It has sat empty for years now, and the Australian couple who purchased it are planning to restore the house, and the gardens and orchards as well. 

I am loving this. It's like HGTV, but fancier, and French.

Check out the blog here: http://www.chateaugudanes.com/


  1. Oh how it sets my heart aflutter!!!


  2. I was so thrilled to write Karina's story... when Messy Nessy Chic shared our feature about this Australian couple's attempts to return the chateau to its former glory, with her readers we were really happy that they were getting such great feedback for a very daunting renovation task... you can read our story here: http://www.thegoodlifefrance.com/french-chateau-rescued-from-ruin/
