Thursday, August 26, 2010

rat day aka the best birthday ever

I recently told a story about me getting some stitches and mentioned the rat incident. Its a pretty ridiculous story, so here you go!
It was my 8th birthday, and I was super excited. After all, it was my birthday! You only turn 8 once!
That night, we visited the Owens home. (sidenote: the Owens family is probably the most awesome family ever. Miranda and Teeny, I love you both!!) Our moms were chatting in the front yard, while us girls were playing with the cats. One of the cats got ahold of a rat and was trying to kill it. Yeah, I know, gross.
Of course, being the genius that I am, I decided to "save the little mousey" and scooped the rat up. It promptly bit me. I promptly flapped my arms around to get the rat to let go. It didn't. I flapped harder, and it let go, flying into the air, and I'm sure the cat jumped right back on it. I'm not too sure about all the details now, it all gets a little fuzzy.
We went into the kitchen, and ran my finger under the faucet while Tommy Owens caught the rat in a tupperware to bring to the hospital.
I was tested for so many diseases, everything from rabies to allergies to pet dander. Given the all-clear, they stitched up my finger and sent me home.
Happy Birthday!


Last night, Season 6 of Ghost Hunters premiered. I LOVE this show. Brandon and I have seen almost every episode, and I'm so excited that it's back on! I love Ghost Hunters because not only do they search cool haunted places for paranormal activity, they also search for any logical reason why they just heard that weird sound, or what could have actually caused that shadow (ice makers, and car headlights are very common). And I really love creepy stories.
I love to be deliciously scared. Like when you're 13, and your sister tells some creepy story on Halloween night about a cannibal who has no arms or legs, yet still manages to catch/murder young children, and you're so scared you can't sleep.
I love being freaked out like that.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Final Countdown


Anyone else as excited as I am?

Sept. 21st baby!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Get off, baby hippo!

(ok Carrie, calm down. Yes I stole the title from you. aaand kinda the whole post.)

Over the weekend, we saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It's hilarious. I laughed till I cried more than once.
And the also nice thing is that it's clean humor. Nothing that would be awkward if you were watching this with your 4-year-old nephew or 98-year-old Grandmother.
It's one that I will definitely be purchasing.

oh Tom

I heard about these shoes from Carrie.
They are called Toms.
They are some of the most comfortable shoes ever.

And yes, they are glittery.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What's up, Doc?

This is the story of my day yesterday.
To start off, let me say that I am a tad bit accident prone (those of you who know me well/lived with me are chuckling right now). I have been known to trip over my own feet, fall up stairs, and run into walls. I have also had stitches 7 times.
Wait, what?!? Seven?!? Seriously?
Yes, seriously. And thats not including wisdom teeth and childbirth. Some pretty interesting stories, those are. Like the rat incident (thats another blog post, my friends).
Yesterday was stitches day #7.
I was doing a haircut at school and happened to cut myself. Usually this doesn't phase me, I do it so often. I just slap a bandaid on it and keep on cuttin. But this time was different. I cut myself on my left hand, right on the middle finger knuckle. Well, I guess I should say cut the knuckle off. Almost completely off.
I wrapped in in a few bandaids and quickly finished the cut. I then debated about going to the ER for stitches. One of the girls at school is a nurse also, and she took a look and tod me to go. She also told me about a little clinic down the road that would be cheaper and faster than the emergency room. So off I went.
I drove to where the clinic was supposed to be, but couldn't find it. So I called Brandon to google where the hospital was. After not being able to find one for a few minutes, he told me where to go. I got to the address and parked, but when I went up to the doors, they wouldn't open. So I figured it was just a back entrance. I drove around in the parking lot for another 5 minutes, trying to find a space (it was one of those parking lots where if you go down the aisle the wrong way you cant park) and almost got hit my a car. By this point, the cut on my finger has opened back up and is bleeding again, I am crying because I am in pain and frustrated, and I'm trying to maneuver my way around this crazy parking lot one-handed in a stick shift car. All the while trying to talk to Brandon on the phone. I thought I was going to lose my mind.
I finally park and go in the main entrance, and tel the lady at the front desk that I think I need stitches. She looks at me like I am nuts and says "This is a mental health facility. "
Well, why don't you check me in while you're at it?
She then tells me where the ER is and away I go again. I get to where she said and there is no hospital. There's a bank. There's an Arby's. There's no hospital.
I've now been trying to find a stinkin ER for an hour. Last resort, I called 911, explained my situation and got correct directions. (I was a mile away)
I sat down next to Meth-Maggie and Homeless-Guy-Harry and began my 2-hour wait. FINALLY, I was admitted and they put my finger back together in only about 20 minutes.
Not my best day.

Monday, August 9, 2010

one time, in harry potter...

Brandon and I have recently started re-watching the Harry Potter movies in order. Its awesome. Maybe we're nerds. But if liking Harry Potter is nerdy, then I don't want to be cool.
I really do love Harry. I have even been borderline obsessive about Harry. Yes, I have read all the books. Yes, I have read them all more than once. Yes, I waited in line at midnight for most of the books. Maybe I dressed up and brought a fake wand. Yes, I cried when Sirius passed through that archway. Yes, I have had many a deep, philosophical discussion about who R.A.B. may be. Yes, I have often thought about which house I would be placed into. Yes, I read the 7th installment in one night.
But do you blame me? What kid didn't dream about magic growing up? Who wouldn't want to have a pet owl? And who doesn't love the quintessential good vs. evil battle, where love, friendship, and loyalty conquer in the end?
Yes, I love Harry.

coyote ugly

Tonight, while driving home, Brandon and I passed what I thought was simply a stray dog on the side of the highway. Brandon informed me that I was wrong. DEAD wrong.
It was a coyote. Really. A real coyote. It ran into the road. We saw it.
I almost peed myself, I was so scared. We were like a mile from our apartment complex, man! Those things are wild and vicious! What if one wandered into our quiet little parking lot one night to have a snack!
Brandon informed me again that I was wrong. Apparently, growing up in the country, he saw alot of coyotes, and they are terrified of humans and are not aggressive.

This is all I have to say on the matter:
GAH!! Not aggressive?!?

Tamale Peppers

I've got a new one for you:

Take a handful of these:

and add them to a glass of this:


extend me!

the before:

the after:

I've been wanting long hair again for a long time, so I finally got extensions! They aren't styled, and will look much MUCH cuter when I spend some time on them, but here they are! I'm so excited!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

heatwave, burnin in my heart

Yesterday was hot.
Norman topped out at 104.
Perfect day for our air conditioning to break down.

You see, we have 2 a/c units, one upstairs and one down. The one upstairs is a little glitchy. It has broken once before, and the maintenance guys just did something with the breaker and it was fixed. Well, yesterday it broke again. So Brandon went and did that same thing to the breaker.
It didn't work.
Remember how heat rises?

At midnight last night, our upstairs thermostat read 95.
We had had enough.
So we set up the pack-n-play and an air mattress, and we all slept downstairs. It wasn't near as comfortable as our king-size pillow-top, but at least it wasn't sweaty-land.

Talk about a heatwave!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Oklahoma Chainsaw Massacre

A few nights ago, Brandon and I were driving to Bartlesville, to visit my Jeannine-sister. We took a short-cut through some country back-roads, and as we drove, I realized something about myself.
I am definitely a city girl. Being in the country at night made me so nervous. All I could think about are those retarded horror movies where the car breaks down near the creepy farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere, and the teenagers knock on the door to use the phone, and the inbred residents kidnap, torture, hack them up, and then eat them. Raw.
Brandon is the opposite. He grew up in Claremore, and he drove country roads all the time. They make him feel safe and secure.
I made him lock the doors as we were going 60 mph.
Later that night, we drove through north Tulsa, and I felt perfectly fine. Crazy? Maybe. But when we are driving through Romona, OK and we see some guy standing all by himself in the rain in the middle of the road, and he's missing an eye, I am NOT stopping to see if he can give us directions.