Thursday, May 24, 2012

i'm not dying.

I went jogging last night. Remember that 5k I told you about? Yeah, last night was the first time I've jogged in over a month. This might be interesting.
Anyway, I ran about a mile and a half , but I did have to stop and walk a few times. It took about 20 minutes, and I am pretty sore today.
The gym was kinda crowded last night, which I hate. I don't mind lots of people or anything like that, I just get sorta embarrassed about the color of my face when I work out. Yes. The color of my face. Hey, are you laughing at me?
Here's the deal. I get really red faced when I run. My Carrie-sister does it too. In high school, while we were on the track team, our faces would be so red that people would start to worry. They always asked us if we needed to get an extra drink or lie down. They thought we were going to pass out. It's pretty bad.
Like this guy:

Only less angry and more running-y. Also, wearing a shirt. 
I feel like he has been listening to people tease him about his resemblance to Mr. Clean  for years, and he finally snapped. Raaaawwwwr!!

Ok, moving on. 
I get pretty self-conscious about the state of my blush while running. I always imagine that people are looking at me thinking I must have run a treadmill-marathon, and then they glance over and see that I've only gone a mile, and they think I'm a huge wimp. Dangit.
Let's be honest, people usually aren't looking at us when we think they are, so I don't let it stop me from running, but I still hate it.
So, if you ever see me working out, and I look like I'm about to go into cardiac arrest, just ignore it.


  1. Don't let this info out! If your children find out you are not near cardiac arrest you will lose all your clout. Sometimes that threat is all that keeps them in line!!!! Just sayin'.

  2. That happens to me when I run, too!

  3. It happens to me too, and now a couple of my kids as well.
