Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tom O'Dell

My dad's birthday was a few days ago, on the 5th. If you've never met my dad, you're seriously missing out. Here are a few reasons why my dad is awesome:

1. He is funny. My dad is constantly making jokes. He loves making people laugh and pranks. In fact, I think J. K. Rowling based Fred and George's characters after my dad and his twin brother, Bill. There's the time my dad and his brother made stilts that were 20 feet high and walked around town with them, or the time they tied all the doors on main street together with fishing wire, or the time that they somehow got their band instructor's car out onto an island in the middle of the lake. The list goes on. Having this man for a father was definitely a lot of fun.

Check out baby Allen's chub rolls.

2.  My dad is suuuuper smart. He knows so much stuff about cars and machines. If we ever have car issues, he is the first guy we call! He also knows all about the country, and how to get anywhere.
His graduation picture.

3. My dad has pretty awesome music taste. He played music all his life, and eventually jammed with some famous musicians. Oh, you may have heard of them. Joe Walsh, Billy Joel, CCR, Dolly Parton, Meatloaf, The Hollies, no big deal. Saw the Beatles in  concert. Hung out with the Stones backstage. Whatever.
I know you've all been impressed with my awesome music taste. I learned it all from my dad.
My dad's old band. He is second from the left, Billy is second from the right. Sa-weet bell bottoms guys!

Here are a few more pictures of my super cool dad.

My dad is on the right.

Nice shorts dude. 

My dad is on the left this time.